The Apocalypse Bulletim is a monthly collection of news, articles and research related to the climate crisis. In September, the highlight goes to the havoc…
Boletim do Apocalipse XI (set/22) – Catástrofe no Paquistão
O Boletim do Apocalipse é uma coletânea mensal de notícias, artigos e pesquisas relacionados com a crise climática que assola o Planeta. Em setembro, o…
The artificial hen
What if artificial intelligence evolved to the point where it began to suffer and became just another human-dominated species? There are many fiction films where…
Apocalypse Bulletin – August 2022
The climate emergency appears daily in newspapers around the world. I gather a collection of these news in the Apocalypse Bulletin.
Boletim do Apocalipse X – ago/22
O Boletim do Apocalipse é uma coletânea de notícias sobre eventos climáticos, a partir de jornais do mundo inteiro.
Climate crisis and losses in agribusiness
More serious than the direct effects of the weather are the losses in agribusiness caused by the climate crisis.
Crise climática e o agronegócio
Pra quem imagina que os efeitos da crise climática sejam apenas furacões, enchentes e ondas de calor, que passam com a estação, pode se surpreender…
Top 10 disasters caused by the climate crisis
My list of the top 10 climate disasters that impressed me the most.
How to solve the climate crisis?
When the pandemic locked everyone at home in 2020, I thought “so this is how they are going to solve the climate crisis!”. The problem…